CROW NOT CROW - my copies!!!

Look what arrived in the mail yesterday - my creator copies of CROW NOT CROW - WOOHOO!!!
I can tell you the UPS guy was not happy, however, as we live on the 3rd floor (called the 2nd in the UK). I think this is 50 copies! SO exciting to finally see them finished and in person! :) e
UPDATE: Gail suggested I should 'Crow' about this and who does it better than Mary Martin?


  1. Mine not here yet.

    Maybe you got mine?


  2. There are an awful lot of them! But all the boxes have my name on them! Holler when your arrive. :) e

  3. They're beautiful! When are you coming back so I can get you to sign a copy for me? :)

  4. I suppose if I'm invited to speak at the Decatur Book Festival!! Or when I'm in Virginia teaching at Hollins. Otherwise, you have to come visit me in Scotland!!! I want to try some of your shampoo bars! xxoo :) e
