Pumpkin Carving!

Halloween isn't as big a thing in the UK as it is in the states, but that doesn't stop us from keeping up some of our (ok, my) favorite traditions - like carving a pumpkin!! It's just a little different. For instance, we don't have a car here, so whatever pumpkin we purchase has to be a size we're willing to walk a while carrying. In other words, small. Meet George...
I wanted to wait until Sunday to carve the pumpkin, because we were having lunch with our good friend Connie and I had a feeling she might want in on this, as I introduced her to pumpkin carving when we first moved to Scotland. She did!
First Connie cut off the top (in the shape of a star) then we scraped the goo out and separated the seeds. EW!!!! (That's the best part!)
Connie wanted to do something special, so I drew her a bat on the moon, transferred it to the pumpkin, and then she went to town while Stan supervised.
While Connie carved (my lino carving kit came in quite handy), I roasted the pumpkin seeds!
And VOILA!!! The two things you can't go without on Halloween, a pumpkin and roasted seeds! YUM!

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