IBBY Best Illustrated Books

One of our faculty in the Children's Literature program at the University of Glasgow, Jennifer Farrar, manages to get IBBY's special collections to visit Glasgow for us to peruse. She was responsible for the Silent Books exhibition, and now, the Best Illustrated Books from around the world.
There were three tables covered in beautiful books.
Several of us Children's Lit and Education folks (also office-mates) went down to peruse and drool. Here's Jennifer, Yaxi, Rebecca, and Badi.
I had several favorites that I will share over the next few weeks, but the first two were SNARK
and the one I truly fell in love with... TEACUP. (LOTS more on this one soon!)
Some of the books were simply downright clever, like this book that used the string bookmark to become part of the story. Awesome, right?

This one from Mexico embraced death in a creepy and mature illustrated style - Yaxi loved this one, although, it would never fly in the states!
Like I said, there were tons of wonderful books and I took lots of pictures - so, more soon!

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