Aloha, dear friends

I refuse to say goodbye. We have made amazing friends here in Scotland. The world has become a much smaller and friendlier place as a result. But it also means that I won't get to see those I love as often as I'd like. So to my dear friends - I wish you all the best the world can grant you until we meet Olga and Hildie...
Dayana, Rebecca, and the rest of my office mates at the University of Glasgow...
Meredith and Johnny...
the Farrar family...
Boris and Vicky...
Rosie and Dick...
all our supper club friends, Pedro, Connie, Kevin, Alex, Robert, Penelope, Max, and Marta...
my supervisors, Maureen and Bob...
Saskia and Vivian...
my PhD mates, Susanna, Jennifer, Annie, and Herdiana...
and Jane...
and all the others I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to in person. I love you all and miss you already - please don't forget me!!!


  1. Lovely parting words, photos. I felt the same way about my grad school friends and professors. They share a special time in our lives.
