Scottish Highlands!! Part 2

In my last email about our Highlands trip, I left you at Glencoe. Just driving through the Scottish Highlands was wonderful - we saw so many beautiful things! Like this Hairy Coo:
Or these pretty boats on a loch.
Or these goats sleeping in the shade of a big tree.
Or this memorial to WWII heroes who came to the area to train for special (secret) operations.
Or the hotel where Queen Victoria stayed when visiting Scotland that set off the whole tourist industry in the country.
Or when we crossed a bridge cursed by a witch - she said that one year and a day after the bridge was completed it would fall into the river, killing whoever was on it at the time. So, they left four holes in the bridge without screws, so that technically, it's never been completed.
Or this Roman bridge that is now part of an enormous walking trail across Scotland.
Or when we caught a rare view of Ben Nevis (the highest mountain in the UK) without cloud cover!
Or the random, humbling and awesome views of the mountains.

And then, then we crossed the bridge to the Isle of Skye as Roger played the theme from The Outlander and the whole bus sang along... (See more in my next post on the Scottish Highlands!)
See all my Highlands Posts:
Scottish Highlands!! Part 1
Scottish Highlands!! Part 2


  1. That story of the witch-cursed bridge is fantastic! And the Roman bridge--was that part of an aqueduct? Otherwise, it seems like an awful lot of work to build, for just that small dip in the landscape. Gorgeous photos!

  2. Hi Brian! Isn't that a great story! I love it! I'm not sure if the Roman bridge was an aqueduct - it sure does look like one. If I find out, I'll update the post. :) e
