Hollins U - reaching the end

You may have noticed that my blog posts are a bit out of order this week. The last week at Hollins is always complete chaos, and I have to admit, even I fall behind in the thick of it all! Be assured it's for a good reason, as some of the most magical moments happen at the very end of our intense six-week program...
     For instance, my students presented their completed book dummies on the last day of class - always a treat. And they did such a good job on their dummies, I was so proud of them! Akiko did a retelling of The Country Mouse and the City Mouse. Anna did an adaptation of an unpublished manuscript Jane Yolen kindly let's us use called Tea With an Old Giant. And Monica did an adaptation of The Owl and the Pussycat.
     We also did a final perusal of the artwork that everyone agreed ticked the boxes to be called 'Heart Art'. The final pieces are different every year and I was thrilled to see one of my own pieces made it through this year. (They voted on it before they realized it was mine - no, really!)
     I squeezed in one last lecture to the Hollins Summer girls - these are high school students looking at Hollins as their prospective next step. I talked to them about writing and they were a great audience, as usual. (Photo posted with their permission.)
And then, we had graduation! Coming next!

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