Winthrop University Convocation

Winthrop University has been around since 1886, so it has some lovely traditions such as the opening convocation to make students not only feel welcome, but feel initiated into a new chapter in their lives and a new family that will remain with them forever. It was no less meaningful for this new faculty member - especially experiencing it from behind the scenes with fellow newbie Mikale Kwiatkowski!
     I wore borrowed robes as I don't have mine yet. But there are all sorts of rules around them. For instance, stripes on the sleeves represent a PhD. The velvet on the 'collar' represents the college, and the silk the specialization - or some such. It was all very complicated and I won't really know what to wear officially until I finish my PhD.
     I haven't worn graduation robes since 1989 when I went through for my BFA in Graphic Design at the University of Georgia. If you follow my blog, you know that I wasn't able to make it to my MFA Graduation ceremony at the University of Edinburgh because I was teaching in Virginia at the time, so my classmates put my head on a stick and took me with them. Hmmm, I suppose I could wear maroon and gold like my classmates did - it would certainly go with Winthrop's garnet and gold color scheme! Although, you're supposed to wear the colors of your highest degree earned - and they're expensive - so it's worth waiting for.
     At any rate, it was pretty spectacular to walk across the colliseum floor (Procession) with hundreds of new students looking on, wondering which teachers they were going to have. I tried to be subtle with my picture-taking, so this is a selfie with the students in the bleachers behind me. (The squishy hats like that red one on the left are also a sign of PhDs - there were a lot of squishy hats.)
     We sang the National Anthem (can't remember the last time I did that - but it gave me a better chance to look around).
We heard speeches from President Mahony; the Honorable Mayor of Rock Hill, John Gettys; the President of the Student Body, and future US President Imani Belton (what a powerhouse of a young woman!)...
...the Chair of the Staff Conference, Linda O'Connor, who got her masters at Winthrop; and the very impressive Dr. Adolphus Belk (he is one of the reasons I wanted to teach at Winthrop - what an inspirational man!).
     The keynote was by alumni, Jay Karen, who talked about saying 'yes' to even the most mundane-sounding opportunities and what sayin 'yes' led to in his own life. It was inspirational. Here I am with new friend and fellow faculty member Zin.
     Finally, we sang the University Alma Mater - I'd heard it before played on the bells of Tillman Hall. (Makes me think of friend and author Elizabeth Wein who got her doctorate in tower bell ringing.) Then we proceeded back out - all with big grins plastered across our faces. Okay, on mine anyhow. What a special thing! I feel like I have been officially welcomed into this new family - I hope our students feel the same way!
     Afterwards, there was a picnic on the lawn with tents set up for all the various societies students can join.
     It went on and on and on!
     But we weren't done yet! The College of Visual and Performing Arts (I'm in the Department of Design within this college) had it's own welcoming ceremony. First we met with all of the student in CVPA (they love initials around here), then we broke out with just the Design students. We met in 'the Black Box Theater.'
There, we went over some basics (this is Jason Tslentis talking to students), answered questions, and generally said, "Hi! Welcome! We're glad you're here!"
I'm glad I'm here too!!!


  1. Good summary of the academic regalia.

  2. Especially considering I don't understand it! {8-P e
