WE ARE WATER PROTECTORS is a gorgeous new book illustrated by Michaela Goade and written by Carole Lindstrom. I asked Carole to come tell us more about it...

e: What was your creative process/medium for We Are Water Protectors, can you walk us through it?

Carole: WE ARE WATER PROTECTORS was inspired by Standing Rock and all Indigenous Peoples’ fight for clean water. I felt so helpless at the time that Standing Rock was happening. I couldn’t make it there. I didn’t know how I could help, other than sharing the events on social media. Which I did a lot of. Then I thought about writing a book for young readers. I’ve been writing for a long time, I thought I could put my words to paper and tell a story that could help to educate young people about these important issues.


e: What was your path to publication?


I started writing seriously for children right after my son was born, around 2008. I took courses through the Institute of Children’s Literature. I also attended many SCBWI conferences where I submitted my work for critiques. It’s been a long road. I began by querying agents. But when that didn’t go anywhere, I started querying publishers since I thought it might be good to have a book under my belt before I attracted the attention of an agent. My first picture book was published with a small publisher in Canada. It was so encouraging to me to actually have a publisher want to publish my story. I thought it would be a bit easier with subsequent manuscripts since I had the published book. But it wasn’t. I kept at the conferences, honing my craft and working at becoming a stronger writer. It wasn’t until four years after my first book, that I landed my agent with the manuscript WE ARE WATER PROTECTORS. In case anyone doubts the power of social media, that is truly how I landed my agent. So, don’t count it out! It has been invaluable to me and my writing career. 


e: Is there a unique or funny story behind the creation of We Are Water Protectors?


Just that I have met some incredible people from Standing Rock that I still consider good friends today. I’m grateful for the entire community of Standing Rock. Michaela and I had planned to visit them this past April. Unfortunately, the virus prevented the trip. But we WILL get there. It’s important to us that we share our story, which is really their story. 



e: What do you think makes an illustration magical, what I call "Heart Art” - the sort that makes a reader want to come back to look again and again?

 I think the magic comes when the illustrator is left a lot of room with the author’s text to tell their version of the story through visual means. The illustrator’s style must also be considered when choosing the appropriate illustrator for the story. Does their medium work to tell this story to it’s fullest potential? i.e. I think it was very important for a story about water to be done with water color. All these details work together to create “Heart Art.” 


e: How do you advertise yourself (or do you)? 


I don’t really advertise myself. I have a website and I’m very active on social media. 



e: What is your favorite or most challenging part of being a creator?


My favorite part of being a creator is getting to create worlds and characters to entertain young people. The most challenging part is getting it right. 


e: Is there something in particular about this story you hope readers will take away with them, perhaps something that isn’t immediately obvious?


I hope that they take away the fact that we, Native Peoples, are still here. We’ve always been here fighting for the land and the water. And we would love more allies to join us. 



e: What are you working on next or what would be your dream project?


I’m working on a MG fantasy that I’m really excited about. 


e: I can't wait to see it!

Miigwech for having me. Carole

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