Several writer friends (including Vicky Alvear Schecter) have teamed up to create a Serial Box book called THE HAUNTING OF BEATRIX GREENE. Have you ever heard of Serial Box? It's a new-age adaptation of a very old idea. Did you know that Charles Dickens' books often began as weekly publications in the local newspaper? Lots of writers got their novels written that way. Serial Box is bringing that old idea into our digital (and locked-down world). Vicky shared a bit more info about the book...
Despite these crazy times, I have managed to write for Serial Box, an HBO-owned company that produces serial fiction. Think of it like Netflix except for books.

Written with two fabulous writer friends--Ash Parsons and Rachel Hawkins--the novel/story is called THE HAUNTING OF BEATRIX GREENE and you can read the first episode free. And if you pre-order, you can use this code to get a 40% discount: VSBeatrix40.

Every week you get a new episode in the series/story. You choose whether to read each episode or listen to it on audio (w/professional narrators, music, sound effects!).

THE HAUNTING OF BEATRIX GREENE is a creepy, romantic, gothic ghost story. We had a blast writing it. Also, true story: we visited a cemetery together while writing it and may or may not have had a ghost encounter! Ask me about it if we ever get to see each other in person again.

Your support in pre-ordering would be greatly appreciated. However, times are tough so if you can't, it would still mean a great deal if you would send this along to anyone you might know that likes creepy, fun, sexy, Victorian ghost stories.
I can't wait to enjoy this story collaboration. I hope you'll subscribe and have a listen!

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