Reading Recommendations - February 2021

With my PhD thesis out the door, I've actually been reading for fun - shocking! I get sent a lot of ARCs and have the chance to preview a lot of titles because of this blog. I just haven't been able to take advantage of all that much in the last few years. So, I have a lot of reading to make up for. Here are some titles I started with that I thoroughly enjoyed and recommend...

THIRTEEN WITCHES: THE MEMORY THIEF by Jodi Lynn Anderson. It's been a while since Jodi's wonderful May Bird series, so I loved getting into the bewitching story. The witches and magical characters had some wonderful new tropes to them that I hadn't read before, so I loved the imaginative approach of a young witch hunter learning who she really is.
THE SILVER BOX: AN ENCHANTMENT LAKE series book by Margie Preus. This isn't the first book in the series. After enjoying this one so much, I want to go back and start from the beginning with ENCHANTMENT LAKE: A NORTHWOODS MYSTERY. Francie is a marvelous new heroine, a Nancy Drew for modern times.
JUST LIKE THAT by Gary D. Schmidt. I try to read all of Gary's books - he's one of my all-time favorite writers. He wowed me again with Meryl Lee Kowalski and Matt - two young people's whose paths slowly wind together in the most interesting way with the beautiful backdrop of Maine. Don't let the descriptions deceive you - they can't share much without giving the plot away. I won't either, just trust me - it's wonderful.
WARRIOR QUEENS, written by Vicky Alvear Shecter, illustrated by Bill Mayer. Vicky is one of my closest friends and a fabulous writer too. And Bill is a friend and colleague. Put them together with some kick-butt women, and wowsa are you in for a treat!

I'll share more soon!

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