Reading Recommendations

With my PhD thesis out the door, I've actually been reading for fun - shocking! I get sent a lot of ARCs and have the chance to preview a lot of titles because of this blog. I just haven't been able to take advantage of all that much in the last few years. So, I have a lot of reading to make up for. Here are some titles I've finally gotten to and thoroughly recommend...

THE SHADOW AND BONE TRILOGY by Leigh Bardugo. OMG! This is an immersive fantasy series that I wish I'd never had to lift my attention away from. I hear they're making a movie out of the series - be sure to read it first! THE CRUEL PRINCE by Holly Black. This is the first in a series that is just so much fun! Jude is a kick-ass human heroine living in the world of fae. I listened to this series on audio and just loved it! GONE TO THE WOODS by Gary Paulsen. You may know Paulsen's classic title, HATCHET. Reading Gary's work is like eating an endless bowl of chocolate pudding. His words roll around your mind, cool and satisfying. I'm sure he could make the phone book sound good, but when he adds such a wonderful story as this one, which is actually an autobiography - WOW. What a childhood he had, and no wonder he wrote so many survival stories. He himself was a survivor. It's an inspiring tale.

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