Halloween in Roanoke

As I'm exploring this awesome new city I now call home, I'm encountering some incredible Halloween decorations that I just have to share! For instance, I came across this alley near The Golden Cactus (a gathering place) that was over-the-top awesome!
I believe the creative geniuses behind it are Star City Styles - thank you for the smiles! There were the trapped pumpkins...
The climbing skeletons...
The so fun skeleton flowers...
The classic skeleton...
And, of course, the witch...
And just a little ways away, I came across this miniature village celebrating El dia de los muertos. You should be able to click this one to see it larger in a new window - there was so much fun stuff there!
I'll keep sharing as I make more discoveries!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Frightening, All-HallowsEve isn't
    allowed in Seventh-Heaven; the
    earth is passing-away, thus, El Diablo wants to damn as many indelible souls as that wholeass can b4 he himself gets damned. Why?
    The 'celebration' worships purely
    the undead/demonic entities. How
    many of those are in the Great
    Beyond? NONE. NADA. NIL. ZILCH.
    How many of those are in the Lake
    o'Fire, girl?? Our blogOrammathon
    will help you to 7thHeaven where
    we can live (not join'm) forever:
    ● en.gravatar.com/MatteBlk ●
    Cya soon, miss gorgeous...
