Last Thursday, I had the great pleasure of attending the grand-opening of the film HOPE OF ESCAPE, written, directed, and produced by our very own Hollins University Film Professor Amy Gerber at the beautiful and historic Grandin Theater.
The inside of the theater reminds me of a mini-Fox Theater in Atlanta.
     An enslaved mother and daughter must escape before they are sold and separated forever. Their only hope is to connect with their free relatives in the North and convince the most powerful abolitionists of their time to help them.
      Experience this timely historical drama based on a true story about the heroics of an American family.
     The movie took Amy over two years to create. The story was based on her own, real family history and brought up issues of divided families, the lightness of one's skin, and the real struggles families went through to free their enslaved relatives.
     A Q&A followed the movie. Here I am with two of our Museum leaders, Janet and Jenine.
It just felt so good to be a part of the celebration for this massive accomplishment and important documentation of historical heroes. BRAVO Amy!
     CLICK HERE or the poster above to read more about it and view the trailer.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting. I have been so moved by the outpouring of support for my film. It was great to see you at the event!

