Julie Benbassat's wrap-up of our Hollins Summer

This summer was my first as Director of our graduate programs in children's literature, but I was curious to see if I could teach and direct at the same time. I'm also working on a book for Bloomsbury UK based on the Design class I've been teaching every summer for ten years, so wanted to keep my fingers in the dirt, so to say. So, we brought in Julie Benbassat, one of Mary Jane Begin's (Chair of Illustration) former students at RISD and now a very successful illustrator, to co-teach Design.
     Julie and I got along swimmingly well and it was so fun to teach together; however, I did learn that directing and teaching is really too much to do during our short 6-week semester. So, Julie will be taking the helm from here on out and I'll teach Design during our new year-round programming that begins this fall.
     Meanwhile, Julie did the most amazing wrap-up of her experience at Hollins this summer and even did caricatures of all the faculty (and our mascot animals). Click the image above or below to read her full post on substack! (Image shared with permission.)

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