Convocation Fall 2024!

Some days are just better than others, and Tuesday was simply one of those days! It began with a "State of the University" lecture by our always inspiring President Hinton (we're doing well!), followed by break-out sessions on specific topics concerning the university. Those ended just in time for a white table-cloth barbeque lunch on The Quad at the center of campus. (Sadly, I didn't get any photos of that!) It was a perfect day in the 70s and not a dark cloud in the sky and I was feeling every bit of that "Hollins magic" I talk so much about.
     Back at my office I was thrilled, thrilled, thrilled to be greeted by our now year-round students in our MFA in Children's Book Writing and Illustrating - the very first year-round class! I am so giddy to have our students on campus with me year-round, I can't even tell you! My inner Mama Bear is all fuzzy happy. But I couldn't talk long, because there was more! We had to get ready for convocation!
     I love putting on my academic robes, it makes me so happy. We all line up on the quad (already cleaned up from lunch). Here I am with (from the left) our new Biology Professor Shaun Davis; our retiring Museum Director Jenine Culligan; Librarian Maryke Barber; me; and Economics Professor Pablo Hernandez.
Hollins seniors get to don their own hand-crafted robes for convocation and we all line up in front of the Cocke (administration) building to head over to the chapel.
The chapel is gorgeous inside and has great acoustics for the chorus led by Shelbie Wahl-Fouts. They sang twice in between more inspiring talks given by President Hinton, the Student-body President, and others. I always walk away from these events standing a little bit taller.
     From there we headed back to the Quad where the seniors celebrate another annual ritual, the spraying of the champagne to kick off the new academic year! They paint their bottles to go with their colorful robes, shake them up, and on the count of three, POP!!! (I'm pretty sure this isn't the kind of champagne you would want to drink.) There's lots of screaming and laughing and faculty make sure not to stand too close. But there is not a frown in sight during this joyous affair!!
And that was the day as a wrap - a very good day!!!

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