Coloring Page Tuesday - Leprechaun Bear

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     Is there ever a time when a teddy bear doesn't make a holiday better? How about a Leprechaun teddy-bear doing a jig!
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send me your colored version (less than 1mb) to and I'll post it to my blog!

Need some fun St. Patrick's Day things to do? Check out this Funschool site recommended by School Library Journal:

Don't forget about my BOOK GIVEAWAY!
     When I hit 100 followers to my NEW BLOG ADDRESS I'll give away a book!
     Go to MY BLOG and scroll down in the sidebar. Click "Follow" in the Google Friend Connect window. That's it! Once I hit 100 followers, I will do a random drawing from there. The winner will win a signed copy of one of my trade picture books - their pick!
     Here's an option...

     Click the covers to learn about my newest picture book, Soap, soap, soap and Soap, soap, soap ~ Jabón, jabón, jabón.


  1. Thank you so much for your new coloring page.. :) I love it.. I have passed your information along to my son's school teacher and the head of the PTA so they can use your books, coloring pages, and online resorces.. Thanks again for being so sweet and always being so supportive in our blogs too :) HUGS

  2. Just a note that we posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings:

  3. Thank you Alison!! That's exactly what I hope everybody will do who enjoys my coloring pages - share the love!
    Hugs back,

    Winning Readings - Thanks so much for spreading the word! That helps explain the sudden jump in followers. We're up to 85 now! Soooo close. :)

  4. thanks for the pic. i,ve linked it to my blog anita
