Put your 2011 Goals OUT THERE! (giveaway!)

According to my stats, over 6,000 of you follow my blog each day on average. However I only hear from a few of you (hugs) in my comments. So, here's your chance!
     It's said that when you put something out into the Universe, it makes it more real. Hence, putting your goals out into the Universe, makes them more possible. So put your goals out HERE!
     Leave a comment, sharing your goals for 2011!
     If 25 of you (no repeat visitors) comment by January 7th, I'll do a drawing for a book of your choice (one of my books). If 50 of you comment, I'll do two - and up in increments of 25. I may be reaching here - but one of my goals for 2011 is to receive more comments on my blog!

My other goals for 2011:
     Sell my work-in-progress novel (almost done!).
     Sell at least two picture book manuscripts (one of which my agent is
        sending out as soon as the publishing houses reopen).
     Illustrate at least one picture book.
     Take better care of myself physically and creatively.

What are YOUR goals for 2011?

Update! We hit 25 comments on my post "Put your 2011 Goals OUT THERE!" So I'll be doing a drawing for at least ONE book giveaway. If we can get up to 50 comments by January 7th, I'll give away TWO books. If you sign anonymously, please put your name and email (or some way to get in touch with you) in your message. Otherwise, how will I contact you if you win? Gads, that would be terrible if I couldn't reach you...

DING! DING! DING! We've got over 50 comments so I will be doing a drawing for TWO of my books. Although you still have until tomorrow (the 7th) to share your 2011 goals and be entered in the drawing!!!

Ka Mate! Ka Mate!

My cousin-in-law hails from New Zealand, so our family has enjoyed learning about the culture of his home country - like Christmas on the beach, Boxing Day, and Ka Mate! Originally a battle cry of the indigenous people of New Zealand, it has become a new holiday tradition in our family, as well as a rally before international soccer games. Here's what it looks like...

     If you watch the video on YouTube, look at some of the links in the side and you'll see more examples of the dance.
     The direct translation of the words can be gruesome or inspiring, depending on how you look at it - this was a battle cry after all. But perhaps it's appropriate for the New Year as well. We can enter like a lamb, or a lion - fierce and ready for whatever lies ahead!
Listen up with your ears!
It is death! It is death!
It is life! It is life!
We're going to die! We're going to die!
We're going to live! We're going to live!
This is the man, so hairy Who fetched,
and made shine the sun!
Together! Keep together!
Up the step! A second step!
Out comes the sun!
     Of course, my favorite thing is seeing my little cousins (ages 4 and 6) learning to do this incredibly powerful dance!

Is This a Word?

Great site to check if you made a word up or if it already exists: isthisaword.com. So are you like Shakespeare? Did you really make up the words you use? Check it out!
Thanks to Daily Candy for the heads up.

Greyson Chance Singing Paparazzi

This is what pure talent looks like...

Supposedly this is one of the top 10 Youtube videos of the year. I can't believe I only just saw it. Greyson was 13 when this was filmed and he now has an official website (and following) at http://www.greyson-official.com/.
     I so would have been crushing on this kid when I was that age!

Coloring Page Tuesday - Welcome 2011

Sign up to receive alerts when a new coloring page is posted each week and/or click here to view more coloring pages!

     Wow, 2010 has been a wild ride with the release of THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN GEORGIA, my new cling stamps at JustRite Stampers, LULA'S BREW for the iPad, the elementary schools, conferences and festivals where I had the pleasure of speaking - including teaching at the University of Georgia, my work-in-progress novel, and the Georgia Center for the Book's inaugural "25 Books All Young Georgians Should Read" list.
     Has it been a wild year for you too? Here's hoping 2011 has more exciting things in store... I wish you much love, happiness and success in 2011!
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send your colored image (less than 1mb) to coloringpages@dulemba.com and I'll post it to my blog! Click here to find more coloring pages.

Thank You!
     I'd like to thank all of you for the incredible support you've shown me in 2010 and throughout my career as a children's book author and illustrator.
     Working as a successful artist these days relies more upon the relationships creators build with their loyal followers rather than putting things into the world, hoping somebody will be interested.
     Therefore, I've been so fortunate to have all of YOU. Your emails, feedback and kind comments have meant the world to me, and oftentimes were the push that kept me going (whether or not you knew it).
     So, THANK YOU, and may 2011 be filled with happy blessings for you and your family. Thanks for being part of mine!

Click here to visit the entire Coloring Page Tuesday collection.
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send your colored image (less than 1mb) to coloringpages@dulemba.com and I'll post it to my blog! Click here to find more coloring pages.

Please follow my copyright policy when you use my images! And share your creation on the Coloring Page Tuesday facebook page!

Book Vases by Laura Cahill

These vases, tables and lamps are made out of unwanted books by Laura Cahill - and they're beautiful! I love the creative things people do with books. Cool, eh?

Thanks to PW's Craig Morgan Teicher, via dezeen(design magazine) for the heads up!

Swagger Wagon

Here's your laugh for the day...

Thanks to Mashable for the heads up.

Christmas in New York

Thanks to Daily Decorator for a peek at the awesome store front windows in New York this Christmas. Go visit their post "Christmas in New York" to see lots more. Awesome!
     And don't forget about all my Christmas Coloring Pages - a great way to keep the little ones having fun this holiday season.

Merry Christmas!

I hope everybody has a great one!
     And check out this awesome wreath by Georgia Peachez - she has an entire blog dedicated to the beautiful wreaths she makes! You can purchase her awesome wreaths through her store on ArtFire. I found her via Daily Decorator.

Click here for 9 Ways to Connect With Santa on the Web (via Mashable).

Tree of Books

At the University of San Francisco, they've turned books back into a tree - fantastic! At Magers & Quinn Booksellers Blog they call it De-Recycling. I first heard about it through Shelf Awareness. Thanks guys!

Llama Llama Holiday Drama

I had the pleasure of meeting Anna Dewdney at the Savannah Children's Book Festival. So what a treat to hear her read her latest llama book, just in time for the holidays...

Coloring Page Tuesday - Waiting for Santa

Sign up to receive alerts when a new coloring page is posted each week and/or click here to view more coloring pages!

     There he is! How many of you will be up late waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve? I know I will! Don't forget, I have tons of Christmas-themed coloring pages available for the holiday!
     I wish you and those you love a very Merry Christmas!

     Looking for holiday images? I have plenty! Click here to go to the Holiday collections at Coloring Page Tuesdays.
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send your colored image (less than 1mb) to coloringpages@dulemba.com and I'll post it to my blog! Click here to find more coloring pages.

It's the last chance to purchase a copy of THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN... (insert your state here). CLICK HERE to see if the title for your state is available as a last minute Christmas present!

Please follow my copyright policy when you use my images! And share your creation on the Coloring Page Tuesday facebook page!

'Tis the Season - According to the Romans

Vicky Alvear Shecter wows us again with a great post about tree decorating, gift giving, etc. But it's not Christmas. Nope - it's the ancient feast of Saturnalia. Go read more at History With a Twist!

Paco is a Ripple Read to Me Book!!

I just found out the Paco and the Giant Chile Plant ~ Paco y la planta de chile gigante is a Ripple Read To Me book! (In its bilingual, Spanish, and English versions!)
     What is Ripple? It's a way to share stories recorded with your voice, or your child's, or a relative who's far from home. And because a child can record themselves reading, it can also help them develop stronger reading skills by combining audio learning.
     I heard about Ripple about a year ago and thought it was a great idea - so I'm thrilled to have one of my titles be a part. And if you can't be with those you love this Christmas, maybe this would be a good way to connect. I hope you'll check it out!

Tech Support Care Package

For all those tech-savvy children who head home for the holidays to hours of playing tech-support for their parents - Google has come up with a care package to help out. It has some very simple videos to walk parents through some of the most basic features of the internet. You know, those things that you get calls at all hours about... "How do you copy and paste again?"
     What a GREAT idea, and just in time for Christmas!
Thanks to Swissmiss for the heads up.

School Library Exchange

Here's a great way to help out some needy libraries around the country - donate books! School Library Exchange lets libraries register and list titles they need. Givers can register (or not) to donate those books. Libraries all over the country are signing up, so I bet you can find one near you. How's that for spreading holiday cheer?
Thanks to School Library Journal for the heads up!

A List of Book Charities

Zoe has put together an amazing list of book charities at: Book Charities 2010. Go thee, and see if you can help out! :)

Teaching ends...

My last exam was Wednesday and once I post grades, my stint as Adjunct Professor will come to a, hopefully temporary, end. *sigh*
     Recap: I've been teaching Drawing and Advanced Illustration at the University of Georgia (my alma mater) this semester, filling in for a Professor on medical leave (he's fine now). I was hired by my old Graphics Professor who is now the head of the department. Can you say "HONORED"? Woosie!
     Of course, that meant every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I awoke at 5:00 am and drove to Athens (a 1 1/2 hour commute) for my 8:00 am class (second was at 10:00). And no, that part was not fun (especially on top of the wild book signing tour for The 12 Days of Christmas in Georgia). But hey, I somehow remained standing (and healthy) through it all, and there were the sunrises - the gorgeous, stunning sunrises. Ahhhh.
     And man, I LOVED the teaching.
     Teaching is like a constantly changing puzzle. With every student, every brain, every project, I had to figure out how best to relay the information needed by that particular person in a way they could best understand and absorb it. It lights up the synapses to be challenged like that for four hours a day, I tell ya!
     But as much as I taught, I learned as well. First, college students are not quite adults yet, even though they look the part. That presented some unexpected challenges, but it also made my Mama Bear traits pop up. These became MY kids (as much as the thought might horrify them to be called that.)
     I was rooting for every one of them, even as I struggled and argued with them. I was so proud when they shone and I was frustrated right alongside them when they had trouble.
     And they were inspiring. When I pulled out old art supplies and let them play it was so exciting to watch them experience the media in new ways, and sometimes for the first time. I just backed away smiling and watched their wheels turning. But it also made me want to experiment more - I had forgotten how cool some of those old methods could be!
     They also brought their own inspirations into play. I learned about illustrators I'd never heard of and design trends that weren't on my radar but are way fresh and exciting.
     In the end, my students did some AMAZING pieces and I was so proud and honored to work with them. After all, these students were hand picked out of some serious competition to be part of the Graphic Design program. (In my day, about a dozen would be chosen out of 70 applicants and I think the numbers are still about the same.) So, expectations were high - but boy, did they live up to them...

     So today, I'm unpacking my messenger bag, filing away the paperwork, downloading the images and getting everything straight. I can see the floor of my office once more (it was hiding for a while). And it turns out, yes, indeed there was a desk under all those papers. With every thing I put away I get a satisfying sense of closure... and I feel a pang. I really do love to teach and I will miss it.
     So many people played the role of stepping stones along the path which has become my journey, and it's strangely satisfying to know that I can play that role for somebody else. I expect great things out of the students I taught - I just hope the world is ready for them, and kind to them...
     Because the world doesn't need to be making this Mama Bear upset - she's feeling a bit protective!

Susan and I are in Publishers Weekly!!

Via PW Children's Bookshelf! "Sterling Authors Sing in the Holidays in Six States." This is THE trade publication for my industry. All I can say is FREAKIN' WAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Bookcases for Kids - Tidy Books

I could use one of these! Okay, I could use 100 of these... Tidy Books specializes in bookcases for kids and they just became available in the US. Very cute!
Thanks to oh my! handmade goodness for the heads up. You can read an interview with the company's creator there.

Great First Lines via Shelf Talker & Fuse #8

Must. Go. Read... Great First Lines.
Leave it to Elizabeth Bluemle (my doppleganger), author and co-owner of the Flying Pig to write such a thorough and awesome post.

But wait, there's more! Not to be outdone, Betsy Bird of Fuse #8 has collected some great First Lines from the Children's Side! Gotta go read those too!

Coloring Page Tuesday - Vespa Santa!

Sign up to receive alerts when a new coloring page is posted each week and/or click here to view more coloring pages!

     Vrrrmmm, vrrrmmm. Well, if you know what a motorcycle man my hubbie is, you know that in our house Santa wouldn't dare arrive by sleigh. No, no. Only a two-wheeled vehicle will do. Preferably with his favorite helper, our dog Bernie, in the sidecar.
     Looking for holiday images? I have plenty! Click here to go to the Holiday collections at Coloring Page Tuesdays.
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send your colored image (less than 1mb) to coloringpages@dulemba.com and I'll post it to my blog! Click here to find more coloring pages.

There's still time to buy my newest picture book THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN GEORGIA, for your favorite readers! Click the cover to learn more...

Please follow my copyright policy when you use my images! And share your creation on the Coloring Page Tuesday facebook page!

12 Days Book Tour Wrap Up

The book tour for THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN GEORGIA has come to an end. (We all need time to wrap presents, bake cookies, and send out Christmas cards!) It was a fabulous tour, and it ended on a "High" note (sorry) at the Atlanta High Museum of Art. Woosie.
     But first - on Thursday evening we signed at Little Shop of Stories, our neighborhood children's bookstore. (You can click the image to see a larger view in a new window.)

     We had an awesome time and were able to do our 'whole hog' presentation. I created a drawing for each of the 12 Days while Susan walked the crowd through the adventures. All the images were hung on a clothesline and we SANG! Even my cousins were there - we had tons of fun!
     Saturday we had two events. The first was at the Peachtree Farmer's Market hosted by the Cathedral Bookstore - thanks to Sue Tierney for being our kind hostess. Although we didn't get any good photos, man was it crowded! Of course, the bookstore is Adorable and the Farmer's Market was amazing. Forget signing (not really), I could have shopped all day! Susan and I did get to partake of some incredible home-made crepes. And I bought a bundle of the most beautiful rainbow carrots I've ever seen. Yum!
     We grabbed a quick bite at Leon's Full Service then headed for the Decatur Library. Once again, our host, Joe Davich of the Georgia Center for the Book, proved his weight in gold. He'd arranged to have our presentation recorded by Georgia Public Broadcasting for their lecture series. Supposedly we will receive copies/links soon, which I will share with you...
     (Full disclosure - I am a board member of the Georgia Center for the Book so was mighty proud to be included.)

     Sunday we wrapped up our tour in style. First Susan and I enjoyed lunch with my friends from Spanish class, Raquel and Melissa (of Melissa Libby PR) at Table 1280. (Yes, we're celebrating - it's a lovely restaurant right across from the museum.) Susan is behind the camera in this one.

     Then we headed across the plaza to the Atlanta High Museum of Art Museum Shop for our book signing. We sold most of the books you see in this picture. One man even bought 14 copies! This became a recurring theme - people rarely purchased just one copy when they found out THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN GEORGIA actually ties in with Georgia school curriculum and it makes a Fabulous teacher gift.

     Shawn, Pat, and Kim (behind the camera) set us up RIGHT - thanks guys! They even had lovely signs made which they let Susan and I keep - awesome souvenirs of our "High" falutin' book signing! Truly, we signed a ton of books and it felt awesome sharing my artwork in THE place for sharing artwork - alongside Salvador Dali no less!

     Afterwards, Susan and I dropped by the Symphony Store at the Woodruff Arts Center to sign stock and were given a personal tour by Manager, Stephen Jones. He is so excited about our book, especially the spread about the Georgia Music Hall of Fame. (No surprise there!) He had some great ideas for getting the news out about THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN GEORGIA next year...
     Which at this point is hard for Susan and I to even think about! We clinked glasses, patted our backs, sang Teresa's praises for arranging such an incredible tour for us, and basically agreed to personally melt deep into the new year.
     Thanks to everybody for showing us such kindness; to the fans of the THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN GEORGIA; and thanks to Sterling Children's Books for letting us be a part of such a great series (there will eventually be a 12 Days for each state in the US). We were so proud to represent Georgia, and I fell in love with my state all over again.
     Merry Christmas!

Note: Click here to go back and read about our Book Tour from the start. It's in three stages/blog posts. Cheers!

At the Savannah Children's Book Festival

Well here's something wacky. Somebody was running around making videos of the speakers to promote the Savannah Children's Book Festival. I'm not sure how they plan to use these, but I stumbled across the one of me recently...

Pimp my Bookcart - winners announced!

Remember when I told you about Unshelved's Pimp My Bookcart competition? Well, the winners have been announced, and OMG - you've got to GO SEE! This is the first place winner: I left my 'cart' in San Francisco. But man the competition was fierce! I especially liked the Star Wars inspired, "Cart Wars, AT-AT."

The Book Tour for 12 Days continues!

THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN GEORGIA is obviously a... Christmas book, so we are on one heck of a book tour up until the big day. I can proudly say, we're still standing! (Although just barely.) And we're still visiting some of the best independent bookstores in the state (within driving distance).
     I forgot to show you this great photo in my original Book Tour post... here I am with Teresa Rolfe Kravtin of Southern Territory Associates (our book sales rep) in a sled in Newnan. Teresa is the one responsible for most of this awesome book tour, so she gets lots of fuzzy love from me!

     Friday, T.K. Read hosted Susan and me during the Olde Town Conyers Christmas Party. If you didn't know, Conyers is charming!! We sang, I drew, we signed books. And then T.K., her daughter Rachel, Susan and I walked across the brick-paved street to the Irish pub where I had some of the best Shepherd's Pie evah!

     Monday, we attended the Atlanta Press Club's annual Author Holiday Party. I was honored to be invited back for a 3rd year (that usually doesn't happen) alongside Susan. Lauri Strauss (Executive Director) and Elaine Hudson (Assistant Director) wowed our socks off once again as this year's party was held in the old Macy's department store - chandeliers and all. Woosie.
     Best of all was signing alongside friends Vicky Alvear Shecter, Laurel Snyder, and Nate Evans. Here's what the line up looked like on our side of the room...

And here's Susan, me and Vicky Alvear Shecter with her latest book CLEOPATRA RULES.

     Tuesday I drove straight from Athens (where I'm teaching illustration this semester at the University of Georgia) to Gainesville and Hall Book Exchange. This is the most unassuming looking store from the outside... then you enter. Myra Meade has created a cozy space full of stories, and her patrons are no different.
     Everybody who came by for a book shared hilarious tales that had us rolling in laughter the entire time we were there. Meanwhile, Myra fed us cookies and apple cider. I tell you, it was a nice place to hang out.
     Even better, Myra says 12 Days is selling like hot cakes there - she's already on her third case! Gotta luv it!
Here I am with Myra and Susan...

Fellow author, Robyn Hood Black, also dropped by, which was a wonderful surprise.
     I can't stop staring at the yellow in Susan's hair contrasted with Robyn's purple and that awesome magenta shadow on the pink wall behind them... Yeah, so I'm an artist. What can I say? It's cool!

     If you can believe it, we're still not finished with the book tour! Here are the last stops...
Thursday, December 9: Little Shop of Stories, Decatur, 7:00 pm
Saturday, Decmber 10: Cathedral Bookstore, downtown Atlanta, 9:00 am; Decatur Library, 1:00 pm
Sunday, December 11: High Museum of Art, Atlanta, 1:00 pm

CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL SCHEDULE! I sure would love to see you if you can drop by!

It Keeps Going! Click here to read about the third and final stage of our Book Tour!

Seussified Star Wars

Cartoonist Adam Watson has combined two classics which maybe should have gone together all along? Star Wars and Dr. Seuss. The results are... hilarious, disturbing... you just gotta go see for yourself: Dr. Seuss does Star Wars.
Thanks to 100 Scope Notes for the link.

Coloring Page Tuesday - Christmas Cookies

Sign up to receive alerts when a new coloring page is posted each week and/or click here to view more coloring pages!

     These sugar cookies need decorating - frosting and such. Can you do the job? When you're finished, you could cut them out and glue them to a paper plate.
     Teachers - it could make a great gift for the grown-ups in your students' lives!
     Looking for holiday images? I have plenty! Click here to go to the Holiday collections at Coloring Page Tuesdays.
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send your colored image (less than 1mb) to coloringpages@dulemba.com and I'll post it to my blog! Click here to find more coloring pages.

Click the cover to learn about my newest picture book THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN GEORGIA, just in time for the holidays!

Please follow my copyright policy when you use my images! And share your creation on the Coloring Page Tuesday facebook page!

New Stamp Set - Just Ducky!

JustRite Stampers has just formally released another one of my new sets on their blog. The new set is called Just Ducky and its perfect for birthdays, Valentine's Day, Easter, etc!

And if you'd like to purchase a set (they make great Christmas presents for the crafter in your life), either visit the JustRite Cling stamps store, or my new "STAMPS" link above!

Interview at Read, Write, Howl

Our good friend Robyn Hood Black, author of WOLVES, interviewed Susan and me on her blog about the creation of THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN GEORGIA. She asked some great questions, so GO READ!

Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day

December 4th is the First Annual Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day. What a great idea! For any stores who need help celebrating - please feel free to use my Coloring Pages! And y'all get thee to a bookstore!


Our awesome Sterling sales rep, Teresa Rolfe Kravtin of Southern Territory Associates, has lined up an unbelievable schedule of visits for Susan Spain (author) and me (illustrator) to celebrate THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN GEORGIA all over our grand state of Georgia! And while these are photos of the two of us at our various signings, what I'd really like for you to focus on are the stores in the backgrounds - the wonderful independent bookstores who have been our kind and generous hosts. These guys are my heroes!
     So! Here I was at Cowan's Book Nook at their Blue Ridge location (they're also in Ellijay) the day after Thanksgiving. (We had a great stream of people while I was there!) Thanks to Melinda and Ansley for setting me up right!

     The next day I met up with Susan at FoxTale Book Shoppe in Woodstock. This is the awesome store where I first learned about my sale of SOAP, SOAP, SOAP ~ JABON, JABON, JABON, so I will always have a soft spot for owners Ellen, Karen, and Jackie. And if you live nearby, you have to check out Karen's incredible decorating job - the store is chock full of Christmas fairies - so cute!

     Saturday Susan and I had a personal escort through the Atlanta Airport (thanks Terri!) for two book signings. The first was at Areas in Concourse D:

And the second was at Diverse in Concourse C (thanks Marcus!):

     The second store turned out to be the better location as people meandered by rather than rushed to their next destination. But overall it was a very successful day - we sold and signed lots of copies!
     In both locations I created a peach... When I do one of these, I give the first to the bookstore I'm visiting, but I believe I'll end up with extras which I am happy to sell to you - email me at elizabeth at dulemba dot com for details.
     Thursday we headed down to Scott's Bookstore in Newnan, Georgia. Here is Teresa, Susan, Me and Earlene, the fabulous owner who regaled us with stories of Alan Jackson (in the book) and Lewis Grizzard!

And Susan and me signing away...

And check back in, because the tour continues! Here's the schedule:
Friday, December 3: Downtown Conyers Christmas Party, 5:00 - 9:00 pm
Monday, December 6: Atlanta Press Club Authors Party, 6:30 pm
Tuesday, December 7: Hall Book Exchange (Gainseville), 4:00 pm
Thursday, December 9: Little Shop of Stories, Decatur, 7:00 pm
Saturday, Decmber 10: Cathedral Bookstore, downtown Atlanta, 9:00 am; Decatur Library, 1:00 pm
Sunday, December 11: High Museum of Art, Atlanta, 1:00 pm

CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL SCHEDULE! I sure would love to see you if you can drop by!

UPDATE!!! - CLICK HERE to read more about our tour as it keeps going!