Alliance for Literacy Read-a-Thon

Recently, I was proud to participate in the 2012 Make a Difference Day Reading Marathon at Hall Book Exchange in Gainesville, Georgia - sharing LULA'S BREW.
     The Alliance for Literacy made a video to promote the event and I show up with my friend, fellow author Robyn Hood Black, at about 1:03, talking about - you guessed it - literacy!

     Sincerely, literacy has long been a soap box of mine. Way back when I lived in Chattanooga, Tennessee, I worked with READ, an adult literacy foundation (now called re:start). I got hooked up with them through the United Way, which my company strongly supported (Buster Brown Apparel). Even then I was giving talks to fellow employees during our charity drives.
     So many of us take for granted the ability to read - not just for the sake of functioning in our text-driven society, but for the sake of enjoying a good book. Can you imagine not having that in your life?
     So how about it. Is there a literacy program near you that could use your help?

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