Coloring Page Tuesday - Puppy Love

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     It's getting close to that day when we give thanks for the precious things in our lives. For me, a biggie is my dog Bernie (who makes a cameo appearance in all my books). He's eleven-years-old now, but never grew out of being a puppy at heart. I miss him when I'm apart from him and cuddle like crazy when I return home.
     Do you have a fuzzy you love?
     Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are coming soon. Start getting your holiday art together now! CLICK HERE to find Holiday images to color. And share your Holiday creations in my gallery so I can put them in my upcoming newsletters! Kids' art is welcome - they don't have to be cards!
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Post it to a blog, then share it in my GALLERY!
     Click here to view the entire Coloring Page Tuesday collection.

     Click the cover to learn about my picture book THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN GEORGIA! Makes a GREAT teacher gift!
     Don't live in Georgia? Check with your local bookseller - Sterling is working on a version for each state.


  1. I lost my "hot water bottle with ears" (a wonderful girl dog) in July and love that you cuddle with your puppy when you can. Thanks for the awesome picture and give your Bernie an extra hug for me and all the other "EPW's" (Extreme Puppy Watchers because we are now virtual) out there.

  2. Beautiful... my daughter will love it :) thank you so much!

  3. Thanks so much for this adorable image. Your generosity as always is greatly appreciated.

    Lisa D.

  4. Aww, love this one! Off to go give my dog a hug now. :-)

  5. Dear Elizabeth - you may our dreams come true! Here we have a dog, even a card!
    Many thanks for this beautiful image.
    Congratulations and good luck!

  6. Thanks so much. This is so cute!
