Coloring Page Tuesday - Mars Rover

     I'm sharing a rather unusual coloring page with you this week. I came up with this idea years ago and have always wanted to make a cartoon out of it. With the Mars Rover getting so much attention, I couldn't help but wonder - what if Rover didn't discover life on Mars. What if life on Mars discovered Rover? The caption reads: "Can I keep him Mom? It followed me home..."
     Please leave a comment on my blog to let me know if you like it!
     So far, this is all the Rover has seen. It's a great panoramic shot of Mars from NASA. (Click the image to go to it's source and see one more.)

     There's also a new initiative to establish a colony on Mars - no lie. Wanna go for a ride? (Who recognizes that quote?) Check it out:

From Wired Magazine.
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. CLICK HERE for more coloring pages. And be sure to share your creations in my gallery so I can put them in my upcoming newsletters! (They don't have to be cards - share your kids' art too!)
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  1. How fun is that coloring page?! Thank you so much!

  2. lol-made me giggle! Thanks for sharing your art each week. I enjoy seeing what you create :)

  3. I think this is awesome, the kids will love it

  4. I love that idea. I've toyed with it myself as a writer. Your illustration is perfect.

  5. I really like your sense of humor. Great idea! Thanks for that image -
    Mars Rover is amazing!
    You put us back in our childhood when we believe that we will become astronauts. 30 years later - our kids are planted firmly on Earth.
    YES - Your illustration is perfect!
    Have a nice day!
