New Cross, London - more...

We stayed in a sweet little Airbnb while in New Cross. The building looked like a magic in-between building from Harry Potter.
It backed up on one of the most luscious English gardens I've ever seen. Truly, my photograph doesn't do it justice.
There was even a yard party in the next garden over as the sun went down one afternoon. Such lovely laughter, we almost decided to crash it!
 I love staying in Airbnbs. They are so much more personal. For instance, the lady of the flat is into vintage dresses. What a marvelous collection she had!
Personal touches like these inspire such stories. Where does she wear them to?
 Walking out of the flat, we quickly came across this lovely tree covered in purple blossoms. Does anybody know what it is?
Down the other way we came across a typical English phone booth, although perhaps not so typical after all. How wonderful!
We walked everywhere for several days and wandered through neighborhood center through neighborhood center. The next one over was defined by this treasure trove called Aladdin's.
There were some gold gilt chairs I was truly drooling over. And just around the corner was a nice place to take a break, Talbots.
Truly, I think we must have walked fifteen miles over the course of a day and a half. (Stan says the number keeps growing - PAH!) But we really did walk a lot. Which meant we also needed to take a break every now and then, like at the Royal Albert.
Where we stopped to watch some 'footy' - on the tellie!
Or at the House of Toby.
Walking an area is a bit of work, but it's a great way to not feel like a tourist and really get to know a place. I hope we get the chance to go back someday!
That said, I can't tell you how nice it was to return home...Even when the weather is bad, Edinburgh is a magical place!


  1. The photo is a bit small but it looks like a lilac tree to me, did it have a lovely scent?
    I do so enjoy your weekly news. I can't believe your time here is almost done. Good luck! Clare x

  2. I don't know Clare. But you're the second one to suggest a lilac, so perhaps. I didn't think to smell it! The air was so fragrant with everything that was blooming, I should have! Thanks for the kind words. :) e
