Works in Progress

The end is in sight here at the University of Edinburgh. I'm working like a mad dog to complete projects for my graduate show. (I'll admit some of my blog features have slowed down as a result - sorry!) Happily, I have several projects completed already, like my Marginal Creatures, Me and the Wolf, My First Protest, Animal Alphabet (and the myriad of pillows that go with that one), and my trees. Here are some works-in-progress from MerBaby's Lullaby, a project I'm working on with the illustrious Jane Yolen (nys).
I've drawn many spreads two or three times to get them right and on some, I'll decide after I get the colors done.
I hope to have a dummy finished by the end of spring break... I know, that's supposed to be a spring break. But no. Not when you have this much to do! But truly, it's the same for all my classmates. In our first year, we were encouraged to take trips during vacations. For our final year, we were advised to, "take advantage of an empty studio," which we have. The four of us, graduating with an MFA this June, have been in the studio non-stop, heads down, earphones on, work, work, work. I'd complain, but you know I LOVE IT! Stan calls my studio my 'happy place' - I agree!
*nys - not yet sold


  1. Your work looks so flippin incredible!!!

  2. Lovely to see watercolours in use in today's digital world. Good luck with your show. I can't believe how your Masters course has gone by so fast.

  3. Thank you Shanda and June! Yes, it has sped by! Wish I could be an MFA Illustration student forever! :)

  4. Such beautiful work! I remember the challenging end of my master's program (the seemingly endless oral history thesis on Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, who wrote "The Yearling"). So I wanted to encourage you to take it one step, one piece, one day at a time. It will, indeed, end and you will treasure the work, retain contacts with many you met in the program, and and be proud of the degree your whole life.

  5. Thanks Peggy! Yes, finding a work/life balance right now is a bit tricky. But I'm so excited and proud of this accomplishment! :) e

  6. Oh these drawings are so lovely! I love Ms. Yolen's work, I got to meet her at a SCBWI conference years ago. Such an inspiring speaker. I can't wait to see this book!

  7. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Lucky Ducky to do a project with Jane Yolen!! That's really cool. It seems as if once she does a book with an illustrator that she kind of puts them on the map. Not to mention really touching a person's imagination with her words. Thanks for sharing!
