ECA Costume Show Continued

On Monday, I shared the themed costumes from the Edinburgh College of Art Graduate Costume Show. Today, I'll share the rest. These are one-offs, some with themes, but not tied to a story. They are still just as stunning! There was the Indian princess dress.
The Statue of Liberty.
The insanely fun adaptation of the hoodie.
A cape made of looped yarn.
This lovely toga-like dress that I wouldn't mind wearing myself.
These lovely summer dresses.
And these insanely fun wellie contraptions with garters for... well, garters at any rate.
One can just look at the costumes, or enjoy the creative books that go with them, or sit and enjoy the recorded fashion shows from launch night. I have to admit, I'll miss seeing this each year!

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of making the Statue of Liberty a dress. Thanks for the photos.
