Random Hollins Happiness

Hollins University is indeed our happy bubble. So many little things happen here that make it magical - it would be silly to write a post about every single magical thing. So, here's a small wrap-up from this week. I taught my favorite module on color this past week. Here are my students picking out their faves.
And here are their personal color palettes - always a big, fun reveal!
I take a walk around campus every other day. It's nice when you come across things like this.
We often have illustrious authors and illustrators stop by during the summer. This time it was Newbery-Honor-winner Cece Bell. Happily, Ashley Wolff had created one of her famous campus characters from Cece's El Deafo to surprise her - hearing aid cords and all!
And lastly for now is my wee kitchen where I adore cooking for myself. This week was black-bean chili. Joy!

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