I am not a purse person

I have finally come to this conclusion - I am not a purse person. I've tried to be from time to time over the years. And certainly, many women have tried to convince me that I should be a purse person. But the fact is, I am a backpack person. I see no reason to be carrying separate bags around when I so often need to have either my laptop and Wacom tablet, iPad, or an actual drawing pad with me. OH, and BOOKS, of course! For the last five years as a student in Scotland, this was my backpack - a good, sturdy Swiss Army backpack.
It is faded, a strap was sewn back on, and it's beat-up. But it served me through four universities (Edinburgh, Glasgow, Hollins, and Winthrop) and on three land masses (North America, England, and Europe). It has carried my aspirations for an MFA and a PhD, as well as aspirations for the students I now teach. It has carried brilliant tomes from academics around the world, as well as beautifully illustrated picture books. It has also carried soup (in a slightly leaky thermos) and therefore, now has a faint odor of curry about it.
     Yes, it was time for a replacement. I tried a purse for a bit, but I kept going back to my trusty backpack because I kept needing to carry large, creative things around.
     This past weekend, partly in celebration of my hubby's birthday, we hit a local outlet mall. He got a new wallet (which in many ways can be equally as significant), and I finally got a new backpack.
It's a step up from my old one, solid leather and much more 'adult' looking. But it too will carry brilliant things from art to notebooks to books that I will use to create and share. And so I look forward to at least another five years (maybe more!) of my life as a backpack sort of gal.
     I suppose it's somewhat ironic considering my TED Talk (which just hit ONE MILLION VIEWS!) about not needing stuff. But maybe that's exactly the point. We keep with us the things that matter most, the things that help us survive and find joy. In my world, that means the means of my creation, inspiration, and exploration. And so, I embrace my identity as a backpack person. And if I see you soon, I bet I'll have it with me!
     How about you? Are you a purse person or a backpack person?

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