My TED Talk hits over 1 MILLION VIEWS!!!

Holy Mackerel!!! My TED Talk, "Is Your Stuff Stopping You" just hit over ONE MILLION VIEWS!!! I never would have thought it would be that popular when I gave it. I am humbled and in awe, and oh so grateful to those who it resonated with.
     Of course, my talk is not for everyone. It is a talk based on my lifestyle, one of privilege and opportunity. Of that, I am very aware. But it's also a talk about figuring out what really matters to you in your life. I gave it at a moment of extreme transition in my own life, and from reading the comments, it's helped others transition in their own lives as well. Reading the comments is eye-opening. Some are mean and nasty, of course; but so many more offer sincere thanks for touching them at a point in their lives when they needed to hear it. Those comments make me very happy.
      As the viewership has grown, I stopped to reflect on my talk at 400,000 views, and at 600,000 views. And here at ONE MILLION VIEWS, I'll do it once more. For I am now living a lifestyle with a very small footprint... in America. We have one car, a 5-minute commute, and a wee one-bedroom flat in a small town where we can walk to several sweet restaurants. I teach at a university where many of the students are first-generation, and I feel like I'm really giving back. So, is it enough?
     Well, I'll admit, I have found the parameters of my down-sizing, as we could use a little more space than we have right now. Many of the negative comments under my talk tease that I keep claiming I'm not a minimalist, and I'm not. Although, I'm no pack-rat either. I'd like a guest room to invite friends to come stay. And I'd like room enough to throw parties for all my new friends and students. (Not possible right now.) I miss a garden, getting my fingers in the dirt. Although, so far, the one car is actually working!
     All said, I don't know what my life will physically look like over the next few years. I need to finish my PhD (I'm on track but look forward to it being behind me). So, right now, we're sitting tight as we figure out our next move (literally) to a house or apartment or... I have no idea. All I do know is it feels like I'm back in the chrysalis, waiting to bloom once more. I wonder what form I will take. I'm pretty sure I still have some big things in me that need to come out. Dear Readers, I hope you'll stick around for them!

Click here to read through my entire journey with TED.

1 comment:

  1. You are a rock star, my friend. CONGRATS on helping so many folks ponder paring down for a richer life! XO
