Peach Hunting Bimble

Stan and I have coined a new term especially appropriate to where we now live: Peach Hunting. We are in the heart of farming country - strawberries, blackberries, watermelon, veggies, and peaches. And even though Georgia has the moniker of "Peach State," I've always felt that South Carolina peaches were the best.
It just so happens that we are surrounded by farm stands where we now live, so it is easy to spend a day bimbling from one farm stand to another in search of these golden, juicy, globes of goodness. We went to several stands for my birthday, and Saturday, we went to several more. First was Black's Peaches.
Turns out I had been to this one before when my friend Vicky visited. It was a tad more crowded this time (we wore our masks and tried to respect social distancing, although, not everyone did).
     Along with a literal truckload of peaches straight from picking...
there was tons of fresh veg.
We purchased tomatoes, peaches (of course), apple butter, and a cucumber (already eaten).
We also grabbed lunch which we ate outside at a picnic table - 'tis the season for BLTs and my new weekend addiction: Cheerwine!
From Black's, we drove to Bush-n-Vine.
This one was new to us. This is a huge, working farm.

With rows and rows of pick-your-own strawberries and ripening blackberries.
Martins keep the bugs away from the fruit.
The farm was covered in blooming zinnias and daisies.

They also had fig trees, although we'll have to return in late July when those are ripe.
All said, Peach Hunting is a wonderful way to spend a few hours on a pretty Saturday. And of course, now we get to reap the rewards with sliced peaches, roasted peaches, pureed peaches, peach smoothies, peach ice-cream, peach cobbler, peach pie, peach....

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