e's news - testing

Oh, this is cool. I just sent out my latest newsletter today, announcing the release of GLITTER GIRL AND THE CRAZY CHEESE and listing book signings. I'm using a new newsletter company which I love: Your Mailing List Provider. It's inexpensive and gives me all the bells and whistles I want. You can sign up for my newsletter here.

Also, I recently downloaded Firefox. It functions much better than IE (which I use for some side-searching purposes). I mostly use Safari, but the Google Toolbar is not available for Safari, only Firefox. I've just downloaded it, and there's a cool button I was able to add which allows me to add posts to my blog through my browser. So, this is a test. Very cool.

Illustration Friday: MONSTER!!!

     Gaads, I LOVE monsters!!! But only the friendly kind - y'know, they'd only eat you on a Tuesday if they were in a really bad mood.
     This is Simon Bigfoot. I posted the cover last week (scroll down). He's a bigfoot, but he's a pacifist. He doesn't want to run around scaring unsuspecting hikers like his brother does. His family is dissappointed in him. So how does he get them to accept who he is and leave him to be the peace-loving bigfoot he really is? Well, let's just hope this book gets picked up by a publisher so you can find out . . . ha!

Illustration Friday: Feet

What a perfect theme this week! I've just finished the dummy for my latest story, "Simon Bigfoot." This is the cover.

Glitter Girl is HERE!!!

A book is born!! GLITTER GIRL AND THE CRAZY CHEESE is here!! I just got my box full of free copies today. Just gotta love it. I love the paper the designer at MacAdam/Cage chose, it just feels so GOOD! Wippee!!!