Shadra Stickland at Hollins University - the Lecture

We had the great pleasure of hosting Coretta Scott King Award-winner Shadra Strickland at Hollins University recently. Shadra and I have known each other for years, since I invited her to be in gallery shows in Atlanta. So, it was so nice to reconnect!
     She gave a lecture at Hollins on Friday.
She talked about her history and evolution as an artist - how she embraces different styles rather than attempting to pigeon-hole herself.
And she shared her process.
     Here is her storyboard for A Child's Book of Prayers and Blessings which she created with reductive printmaking - a very difficult and impressive achievement. (More on that soon.)
She also shared statistics from the CCBC (Cooperative Children's Book Center) about the representation of people of color in books, both in the books and as creators. Click the slide to go learn more about this study.
It was a great talk and set the stage for what proved to be an entertaining and educational weekend.

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