Fringe Fun #1

The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is underway here in Edinburgh. It's one heck of a Welcome Home! I'm busy catching up with friends who I haven't seen all summer, and some who are in town for just a bit. I was thrilled to be able to catch up with fellow MFA classmates Boris and Nadee at the portrait gallery. She was in town for holiday for a few days.
And I got to hang out with Marta from Madrid before she heads back home from her semester abroad at Glasgow Uni. We ate at Wagamama for lunch and saw #Excalibow, which was hilarious and awesome. What a talented group of performers!
When we left the theatre, the sun wasn't out for us, but neither were the crowds. So we had a great time handing out in one of the Fringe hidey-holes.
Fringe is such that you see the oddest most random things as you walk around. For instance this knight in shining armour, talking to somebody who I think might have been famous considering the crowd that flocked to him. Sorry I only got a photo of his back, whoever he was!
I regularly pass Kuboki performers. Today, several WWI soldiers with a stretcher passed me on a sidewalk. And some outfits are just weird and may have no reason at all for being so. Gotta love Fringe!

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