Dog Sitting

Some stories have to be told after the fact, because they're not funny until after the fact. Such was the case with a recent episode of dog sitting I did.
     My upstairs neighbors had to go out of town suddenly and needed someone to watch their doggie, Ramona. They used to have two doggies living with them, Ramona and Corazon - a 100lbs. Great Pyrenees puppy. I tried to watch them for one weekend and it didn't go well. There was no letting them in my apartment as a brief experiment proved. Corazon was in his teething stage which meant that everything went in his mouth. Also, one swipe of his massive paw and he could do major damage; so I coudn't even run to the bathroom, lest I not have my eye on him. (Corazon is now living with his grandparents with a big yard and several other big doggies.)
     So, here came the emergency and it was just Ramona. Surely I could handle the smaller of the two doggies for a few days? I mean, she's just so cute!
What I didn't know is that Ramona is also at the tail end (HA!) of her puppy stage. So, after a few laps of my apartment and digging of nails on the couch, out came the beach towels and sheets and anything else I could cover my furniture with! This was right before the couch was covered and we were starting to have a dubious time together.
But Ramona is a sweet doggie, and she was very used to being in bed with her parents. This proved to be a challenge, but we managed.

Things actually seemed to be going pretty well. She was getting used to my apartment, and we were getting used to each other. So, I went to run an errand...
     Are you yelling, "No, don't do it!"??? (You should be.)
     This is what I returned home to.
     So, Ramona is back with her parents who came home at the end of the weekend; and I still give her treats whenever she stops by my apartment. (I have become the "treat lady" to all the dogs on my street.) But as for future sleep-overs? Hm. It may be a while.

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