Day 11: Last full day in Edinburgh

Day 11: Last full day in Edinburgh - so bittersweet. Lunch at Chez Jules, my favorite French restaurant in Edinburgh, always good for an inexpensive yet excellent meal; Peter Howson at the City Art Centre (where I once had art shown), this was the poster that made me want to see the show; bimbling about; the thistles outside the City Art Centre; Princes Street Garden to the left and to the right where the National Gallery sits; my man, Sir Walter Scott; the view from the bridge over Dean Village (beware roads that look like they intersect on Google Maps in Edinburgh, they might be very far apart indeed!; drinks with Kevin and Connie, then dinner at Dulce with amazing Ceviche Scallops!

Chez Jules - Lunch specials were 1, 2, or 3 course; although everything begins with a small salad, olives, salami, and French bread. I ordered the modules frites - YUM!

Most museums are free, but I really wanted to see an exhibit at the City Art Centre. (My "I'm With Her" protest poster was in a Zeitgeist show there several years ago.) The thistle is the national flower of Scotland.

The poster that made me want to see the show!

Princes Street Garden to the left.

Princes Street Garden to the right with the National Gallery (also known as the museum on the mound). The weather was SO GORGEOUS this trip!

My man, Sir Walter Scott at his monument.

View from the bridge over Dean Village.

Kevin and Connie - two of my favorite people! xxoo

I treated Connie and Kevin to dinner at Dulce as a thank you for staying at her Airbnb. The oysters were the most delicious I've ever tasted!

Ceviche scallops...they were simply amazing!

To read about my entire trip, go to:
Day 1: I'm back!
Day 2: HIGH Tea with friends (and a secret)
Day 3: in Glasgow!
Day 4: Dear Friends and a Proper Memorial
Day 5: Farmer's Markets and Tapestries
Day 6: The Vinnie, The Star Bar, Parting Stones, Tears, and Friends
Day 7: with Maureen in Glasgow
Day 8: Porty Beach and an emotional day
Day 9: Fruit de Mer and Seagulls!
Day 10: Food, Museums, and a Friend
Day 11: Last full day in Edinburgh
Day 12: Last few minutes in Scotland

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