Day 12: Last few minutes in Scotland

Day 12: My last few minutes in Edinburgh - I decided to leave one last Parting Stone at the St Vincent pub - where Stan and I made and met so many friends.

Will it be there forever? Probably not; but neither was Stan and neither will I be.
And last glimpses of the magic land of Scotland until we meet again... One last view of the rapeseed blooming...

and the bridges over the Firth of Forth. Somewhere down there, Johnny is waving at my plane. I will miss you, Scotland. I hope to return soon!

To read about my entire trip, go to:
Day 1: I'm back!
Day 2: HIGH Tea with friends (and a secret)
Day 3: in Glasgow!
Day 4: Dear Friends and a Proper Memorial
Day 5: Farmer's Markets and Tapestries
Day 6: The Vinnie, The Star Bar, Parting Stones, Tears, and Friends
Day 7: with Maureen in Glasgow
Day 8: Porty Beach and an emotional day
Day 9: Fruit de Mer and Seagulls!
Day 10: Food, Museums, and a Friend
Day 11: Last full day in Edinburgh
Day 12: Last few minutes in Scotland

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