I'm teaching children's book illustration this semester, so made a point to bring home all my picture books from Hollins U this summer. I had a feeling they would fill up a library pretty quickly, and boy did they! I've been reassigning spaces in the "Illustration Corridor" in my building, and this new library sits right next to my office.

It's mostly picture books, but there are also graphic novels, assigned course readings, magazine subscriptions and archives, and I'll be pulling in some mid-grade and young adult novels too (currently in my office).

I found a great collection of illustration contest, event, and organization posters in The Treehouse and was holding onto them, knowing they'd find a good home. They now decorate the walls.

There are several cozy reading spots and several students have already claimed the space as
theirs, which I love!

Of course, they're hanging out with my friends...

The library has given me a great spot to feature macquettes students have made, that are difficult to store otherwise.

And I have an entire shelf dedicated to seasonal titles. (When it comes to Halloween, it's hard to fit them all!)

I know some of the books might grow legs, but this sign next to the light switch will hopefully give someone pause.

I told my students, I love them more than my books, so I keep the door open for them. So far, they seem to really love it and have already talked about putting stars on the ceiling or getting one of those playroom rugs for the floor. I might also invest in some cumfy beanbag chairs. All said, creating and providing this space for my students has made me
silly happy!!!