Day 7 in Scotland: With Maureen in Glasgow

Day 7 in Scotland: Back to Glasgow by train - this time to have lunch with Maureen Farrell, my PhD supervisor.

I love the ride to Glasgow. This is such a wonderful train ride! I always sit on the North side for the best views.

The Queen Street Station is finally done being remodeled and is FABULOUS!!

I can't believe I never realized the square was right outside the train station - the remodeling hid it - so this is actually the first time I'd been to the square!

Stunning Glasgow!

Here's the Modern Museum with...

close-up...cones! (Always.)

Just general walking about on the main shopping drag.

I cut through John Lewis (something I used to do a lot) to get to where Maureen was picking me up and stumbled across these awesome gazebo things for your yard - WANT!!! Maureen said, "Well yes - it is Scotland and you need an option that keeps you dry! Now if I just had the outside space to keep one..."

Me and Maureen! All my love for this brilliant woman and scholar!

To read about my entire trip, go to:
Day 1: I'm back!
Day 2: HIGH Tea with friends (and a secret)
Day 3: in Glasgow!
Day 4: Dear Friends and a Proper Memorial
Day 5: Farmer's Markets and Tapestries
Day 6: The Vinnie, The Star Bar, Parting Stones, Tears, and Friends
Day 7: with Maureen in Glasgow
Day 8: Porty Beach and an emotional day
Day 9: Fruit de Mer and Seagulls!
Day 10: Food, Museums, and a Friend
Day 11: Last full day in Edinburgh
Day 12: Last few minutes in Scotland

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