Nancy Dahlstrom's!

Every summer, our faculty have a tradition of visiting the founder of the Hollins Visual Arts Center, Nancy Dahlstrom. She has a lovely home in Fincastle—an historic little town near Hollins. The garden is beautiful! I especially love her grove of Japanese Maples.

See the cat?

Her herbs attract all manner of birds and the most striking gold finches.
Nancy is technically retired, but stays busy in her gorgeous print studio. She loves showing us around.

Nancy is one of the most talented engravers and monoprinters I know, and a darend fine painter too. I've been in love with her iris painting for years. And look at that rose! Her patience is impressive, as is her process. Nancy is a true master at her craft!
     Dinner was delicious.
And Rob Costello generously gave our annual group shot. From left to right back to front, here are Ellen, MJ, Ashley, Delia, Mitali, Me, Nancy, and Ruth. So fun!

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