March 22-23 I was honored to provide a keynote speech and give a workshop at the 55th Georgia Conference on Children's Literature at my alma mater, the University of Georgia!

This is a well attended annual event held for librarians and educators across Georgia.

There were actually quite a few "keynotes": Me, David Bowles, Torrey Maldonado, Stacy Mcanulty, and Bob Shea.

My novel,
A Bird on Water Street was a finalist for the Georgia Book Award many years ago, so it was an honor to be able to return!
I love getting to know fellow creators. Here we are with the program organizers.

I gave a talk on "Maintaining Creativity Through Adversity" - something that has been on my mind of late for obvious reasons. And for my workshop, I talked about color theory and finding one's personal color palette.

My parents actually drove up from Atlanta to attend - gratis. The organizers were so sweet and made them nametags and everyting. It was my mother's 80th birthday, so I asked the audience to give her a big "Happy Birthday!" She was tickled silly. That was happy.
Also, Petros Panaou was one of the organizers and we ended up hanging out quite a bit in Bologna at the Book Fair there - small world!
It was so good to be back in Athens again. A lot has changed, but much has remained the same. I have so many good memories there. It's so strange to see all the young adults, who rightly own the town now, creating magical memories of their own.

Stan and I both went to the University of Georgia, so it seemed only fitting that I should leave a bit of him there too...right by the arches.

He'd like that.
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