I love graduation ceremonies. Everyone dresses up in their academic robes, important music is played or sung, and one of life's biggest milestones is celebrated - the completion of a degree that, oftentimes, has taken four years (or more) to achieve. They are a very big deal.
Our first ceremony was the Honors Commencement Ceremony in the chapel on campus. All the faculty lined up to walk in as usual.

Our fabulous chorus and the beautiful space made it all feel incredibly momentous.

Afterwards, faculty and students gathered in the Quad for a drum circle... as you do! (I'm constantly reminded what a special place Hollins is.)

The next graduation ceremony was the official commencement for all the undergraduate and graduate students. A threatening storm sent us to the colliseum downtown instead of on the gorgeous Quad in the center of campus. (I hope we can be there next year!)
We got ready for the procession in a room downstairs. Here I am with our Museum Director, Jenine Culligan, and our Library Director, Luke Vilelle.

Happily, one of our grad students was able to make it for graduation ceremonies! Here I am with Mollie Hillman.

President Hinton gave a rousing speech, as always.

And the commencement speech was delivered by Hollins grad and Opera Star Helena Brown. You can read more about her

I got to cheer on Mollie as she walked across the stage. Here she is on the BIG SCREEN!

And also Raine Matos who just finished their BFA in Fine Arts and will be joining us for graduate studies this summer!

Genevieve, Amy, and I had fun cheering on all the graduates as they walked through our congratulations line.

There's Mollie again!

It's impossible to leave a commencement ceremony without a BIG SMILE on your face! CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE!!!
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