Susan Spain (author of THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN GEORGIA) and I trekked over to Emory University today (Tuesday) to experience something rare. We saw these three amazing people discuss creativity, the ego, spirituality, and staying free through dire circumstances.
The crowd was Enormous and they shuttled us in on travel buses, then through airport security, then to bleachers, then to an enormous gymnasium which had been transformed.
I must say, Alice Walker wowed me and said my favorite thing... A quote by Zorba the Greek: "We must embrace the catastrophes." the point being, we must find the joy within our trials, because the trial IS life.
The Dalai Lama encouraged us, as Americans, to keep liberty and freedom alive, for if we let it slide, it will be lost in the world. (His exception was India.)
Oh heck, it's one of those things where you tell yourself 'I have to remember that' and of course you don't remember anything, so I'm sure I'm not saying this right.
In the end, Im glad I got to see the man in person during my lifetime. Were incredibly lucky to live where we do and not have our patience, tolerance and compassion tested the way he has. His attitude alone is inspiration for a better life.
What an awesome experience! ~jeni :)
I've been thinking about the experience all morning, e. So many inspiring things to remember and assimilate into our lives, the greatest, I think, being compassion. Thanks for sharing a beautiful day! (Did Stan enjoy our leftovers? LOL)
Wow, sounds awesome!!!!!
It was so much to think about! I'm still digesting...
Stan loved the left over Indian food!
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