Look what my very favorite man brought me! (That would be the UPS man of course - ha!) These are my creator copies of SOAP, SOAP, SOAP!! I received 30 of the bilingual hardcover, all-English hardcover, and bilingual paperback!
It seems like a lot, but I'll run through them quickly. Family and writing buddies and giveaway winners... But for now, I get to enjoy this enormous pile of SOAPy wonderfulness!!! Mmmm, I can still smell the ink...
Want to win a signed copy?? Go check out my book trailer (yup, that means you have to visit my blog and scroll down) and leave a message THERE. Your name will go into a hat for a drawing on the official release date, September 25th. If I draw your name (don't sign anonomously!), I'll ask you which version you would like (bilingual or all-English) and what happens at the very end of the book trailer - so go check it out: http://dulemba.com/blogger.html!!!
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