GADS! Did you SEE the comic strip Debbi Ohi did of me yesterday!? Woosie!! Bernie's even in there - love, love, love it!
Today I'll be a guest at Sarah C. Campbell's Blog. Sarah won a Theodor Seuss Geisel Award Honor for her latest book WOLFSNAILS. So slime a trail on over there!
See the rest of my BLOG TOUR SCHEDULE here.
Per Sarah's very scientific approach to things - today I will share the recipe to make most excellent soap bubbles:
Soap Bubbles
• 15 parts water (about 1 cup) to
• 1 part dish washing liquid
The longer the solution stands open, the better it will work. Try to make it the day before!
• Something to use as a ring - this could be a paperclip bent to shape or even a big ring like a hanger bent to shape! Be sure to leave a little length at one end to bend up for a handle.
Pour the solution into a shallow pan and dip the ring into the liquid. Pull out making sure there is a soapy film in the ring. Gently blow through the film or drag the ring through the air. Voila!
Learn all about bubbles at Bubble Town!
Click the cover to learn more about SOAP, Soap, soap, soap and Soap, soap, soap ~ Jabón, jabón, jabón.
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