Creative Writing Parties and Dunk-a-Dean

I have landed in such a marvelous place here at Hollins University. I'm constantly reminded by how lucky I am to be here. A good example was this past Friday. The Creative Writing department threw a party for undergraduate and graduate students to let them meet the faculty and learn more about the program. Since my office is on the main floor in the English building, I joined in and had wonderful conversations with the brilliant students studying here. Many didn't know about our graduate studies in children's literature and illustration, so I got to tell them about it. But mostly, I just enjoyed catching up with my colleagues after everyones' busy summers, and meeting these bright new minds.
     So, I was already smiling as I headed to lunch - yes, I get a lovely lunch in our Moody Dining Hall every day - when I came across this.
My friend Chanelle (not shown) had set up a fundraiser for our on-campus food pantry to help students in need, by bringing in a dunking booth! It cost $5 for three balls to throw at the red dot. The Moody cashier, Tammy, dunked Chanelle on her first try! So funny!
     I've already established that I have a crap throwing arm, so I purchased three balls and handed them out to eager students. That, and it would feel a bit weird to dunk a friend with evil glee!
     Needless to say, I had a big smile on my face as I left the dining hall and they were still at it. I hope they raised scads of money (I'm pretty sure they did). And this was all before 1:00pm on a gorgeous, sunny day at beautiful Hollins! And then there was the Natasha Trethewey reading that evening (that I talk about in another post). What a happy day!

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