Diane (store owner) set up a "Boys Action/Adventure Reading Club" and the whole lot of six to ten-year-olds turned out to hear these talented creators.
What an intelligent and adorable (don't tell them I said that) crowd! Most had read all of "The Edge Chronicles" and were moving on to the "Farflung Adventures." I waited in line, feeling very . . . tall, to get my copies signed as well. I talked to a few of the kids, but kept quiet for the most part. This was definitely THE KIDS' event!
I finally read the first in "The Edge" series for the occassion and completely understand the obsession. Poor "Twig" is thrown into adventure after adventure, most taking him to the edge of death. I cried when the Banderbear . . . well, I won't spoil it for you.
Paul talked about all his travelling adventures which inspired so many of Twig's while Chris drew a Banderbear.
Oh how I coveted that drawing. Little Shop of Stories has quite the collection at this point (they have a few of my drawings as well) and they're trying to figure out something special to do with them.
Anyhow, if "Fergus Crane" is anywhere near as fun as "The Edge Chronicles," I've got some great reading ahead of me! Wippee!
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