Well, I think that's what they say - I haven't seen it in print.
Believe it or not, I am going to recommend you bypass reading the "Discworld Novels: Wee Free Men, Hat Full of Sky, and Wintersmith," written by Terry Pratchett, and go straight to the audio versions by Stephen Briggs.
Stephen Briggs is a genius as he switches from voice to voice without missing a beat. And these aren't just any voices, the Wee Free Men shoot off an Irish brogue so thick, they're a bit hard to understand, hilariously so. "Sheep" are pronounced as "ship" and such. The personality Mr. Briggs brings to these characters is so vibrant and entertaining, you've got to HEAR them to get their full impact.
Expect to laugh out loud throughout the reading as the wee free men do what they do best: "Drink! Fight! Steal! Drink and fight! Fight and Steal! Crivvens!"
I'm on the second book and have been laughing my way all the way through. You've just got to HEAR the Discworld Novels!!!!
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