Back to the CBAIS booth at 12:00 we actually had a breeze this time. The crowd was a little bit smaller, but calmer which made for a lovely day. We made more great contacts and did a drawing to give away a free bag of books to a local school. Mary Ann Rodman's daughter, Lily, drew the winning ticket - which we'll announce soon. Mary Ann (in the red hat) and her daughter are surrounded by our steering committee: me; Connie; Susan; Vicky; and Liz.)
At 5:00 I was on the children's main stage again. Remember how I said it's really hard to get a good shot of me when I'm reading because I make so many silly faces? Well, yeah. This one turned out alright though, and I love the colors. I was also flattered by the nice sized audience for the time of day. Even Eric Litwin of Pete the Cat Loves His White Shoes fame; and Karin Slaughter (who has been a mentor to me in this crazy career) showed up!
The padres stopped by, so after we dismantled the CBAIS booth (which was so amazing because of the efforts of Connie Flemming and her husband Dwain), hubbie and I unwound with them at Sage.
It's now Monday, and I've been a complete lump today. What a fun but exhausting weekend!!
I gave them hugs all weekend long, but I want to publicly give thanks once again to all the people who make the Decatur Book Festival the amazing event it is: Tom Bell and Daren Wang of the DBF; Diane Capriola, Dave Shallenberger and the rest of the staff at Little Shop of Stories who worked unbelievably hard and supported our CBAIS efforts all the way through; my fellow CBAIS steering committee members, Liz Conrad, Susan Rosson Spain, Vicky Alvear Shecter and Connie Fleming; and to all the rest of the DBF staff and volunteers. It takes an army to pull this thing off, but we did and it was a HUGE success once again (can't wait to hear the numbers).
Anyhow - I've gone back through my day-by-day posts and added images and links, so check them out:
Read Decatur Book Festival Kick-Off details here
Read about Friday here.
Read about Saturday here.
Read about Sunday here.
Also, for those of you interested in more information about CBAIS, the steering committee will be meeting soon to determine where it will go from here, so I'll have news soon.
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