Every now and then an illustrator gets the opportunity to do something important - we get to create something that in our own quirky way can make a difference. This past week I received a letter I'd like to share with you...
My name is Kathy Buchsbaum and I am a librarian for the Queens Public Library. I bet you have heard it all over the news that NYC libraries are being cut so much that we are going to have to close branches and layoff staff. At Queens Library 90 day layoff notices were given to over 400 staff members, including myself. It is happening all over the country.As I told Kathy, I am honored to help in any way I can and I hope all of you can use my coloring page this week - maybe for your own library! (Kids can write their names across the heart or the stairs!) And if you put them Everywhere!! like Kathy plans to, please send me pictures so I can share them on my blog!
I was wondering, I print your sheets every Tuesday for my branch. The kids love your work and we have all your books here at my library. Would you consider making a "save the library" coloring sheet. That would be awesome! The kids can color them and we can put them EVERYWHERE!!!
Thanks so much for your time and all your work!
yours truly,
Kathy Buchsbaum
Community Library Manager
Cambria Heights Community Library, New York
As I do with my Earth Day image, I am also happy to offer this image in high resolution if you would like to use it for t-shirts or Save the Library campaigns in your neighborhood. Just email me and I'll get the file to you.
Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send your colored image (less than 1mb) to coloringpages@dulemba.com and I'll post it to my blog! Click here to find more coloring pages.
I heard back from Kathy with good news! One of her colleagues made postcards out of my images which patrons then mailed to the local Chamber of Commerce. Funding has since been reinstated and Kathy's job is now safe!! She said "Thanks for your coloirng sheet! I know it helped!"
I'm sure that wasn't the only reason, but still - what a great feeling to know my art may have played a small part. Talk about warm fuzzies - NONE of the New York City branches will be closing!! Wahoooooo!!!
Click the covers to learn about my picture book, Soap, soap, soap and Soap, soap, soap ~ Jabón, jabón, jabón.
Here's some of what they did:
This is awesome! Thanks so much for helping libraries and kids fight the fight together.
Every little bit! :) e
Elizabeth, you continue to be a treasure for librarians everywhere - thank you!
Oh Eva - make my day why don't you!!! :) e
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