Yesterday I capped off my LULA'S BREW book signing tour at Little Shop of Stories. There was a great crowd of kids and their grown-ups, all dressed up for Halloween (the kids that is). I wish you could see them all in the photo above.
I handed out coloring pages and spider rings, while Little Shop handed out candy. Truly, you can't see the crowd, but I hope my smile gives you a hint how many there were. Including author and illustrator buds Michael Austin and his wife Kim, and Lynn Cullen. Even though I didn't get to spend much time with them, it means so much when fellow creators lend you support at events like this. We stick together.
Afterwards, there was a parade through downtown, which is where all the kiddies and their parents headed. But it was so windy and cold, Stan and I opted for a snack at The Square Pub. Lo and behold, the parade came to us, ending up in the plaza right in view of our window table.
Even more amazing... the skeleton puppeteers and brass band all headed for the Square Pub too. So these were our dining buddies...
I especially liked the pirate one.
As the crowd gathered in the plaza, somebody asked "What's going on?" Somebody else said, "It's just Decatur." Which is exactly why we love living where we do. You never know when there will be an impromptu dance performance, music, odd costumes, etc, at any time of year!
Best of all, we have Little Shop of Stories, which I am proud to say is MY local indie children's bookstore. They have been so supportive of me, my career, especially handling pre-orders of LULA'S BREW (thanks Krista!). I couldn't be more grateful!
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