
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving, even if it was a quiet, safe one. At Camp Dulemba, it was just the two of us, but we feasted well. I've bragged on my husband's cooking skills a lot here, he really shone this year. Rather than a turkey, we had lobster tails. In lieu of a bird to carve, he roasted a whole head of cauliflower with brussel sprouts.
Rather than sweet potato casserole, we had stuffed sweet potatos for lunch, and then sweet potato rolls with dinner.
And rather than gravy, Stan made a cranberry~jalapeno relish that was out of this world. Of course, he followed it all up with pumpkin pie, that was traditional, and so, so very yummy.
     So what am I thankful for this year? So many things... I'm grateful to be working, for my wonderful students, to have a roof over my head and food on my table. I'm grateful to be reaching the end of my PhD, and I'm grateful for some personal issues that are finally looking more positive. I feel like we're ready to head into 2021 on solid ground and with good things ahead! I wish the same for you and those you love.

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