I had a fantabulous visit at Clanton Intermediate School Friday (Clanton is half-way between Montgomery and Birmingham in Alabama). I'll write more as I catch up (I have quite a bit of catch up to do) but thought I'd share this quick write-up in the Clanton Advertiser. More soon...
I'm back - So, I picked up author, Kim Norman, from the Atlanta airport on my way to Clanton on Thursday and we had a blast finally getting to hang out in person since we've been talking online for years. Kim's newest book, CROCODADDY, just came out and it is ADORABLE!
Friday morning, we had no idea what to expect so were thrilled to be greeted by posters and t-shirts and smiling teachers and parents - this is an involved school. Lucky kids - lucky us!
Here's a shot of one of the great crowds I had that day:
And I loved the swarm of questions, autographs and hugs at the end of each presentation:
After a catered lunch (lovely!) we read the students' winning books and posed for pics - here's our "Madonna - Strike a Pose" shot for one of the grades:
Friday was a busy day, but there is nothing like a room full of excited kids to get you going. We had such a great time and they asked some really good questions!
Afterwards, Kim and I unwound at the most charming local hang out - Peach Park. (Thanks Gena - great recommendation!)
Thanks to Gena and Rochelle and all the teachers and parents of Clanton Intermediate School. When they say it takes a village to raise a child - you guys have it going ON! And I can't imagine a warmer welcome - thank you, thank you!
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