I am a Child (children in art history)

I've been following a beautiful blog lately called I am a Child (children in art history). It's the creation of one "Marco" although I can't seem to find more information than that. He's posting classic paintings through history - all featuring children.
     It's fascinating to see not only the beautiful paintings, but how the children are rendered, era clothing, their activities, etc. Definitely inspiration material for our own children's book illustration work!
     The painting above is by Fredierick Morgan (1847 - 1927). It's called Bob Apple. Isn't it lovely?


Vicky Alvear Shecter said...

Oh my gawd, these are gorgeous and addicting!

Marco Regali said...

I am the above mentioned "Marco". Thank you for your kind words. I'm honored by your attention.
Best wishes

Marco (from Italy)

Elizabeth O Dulemba said...

Marco! Thank you for writing. I adore your blog and look forward to following for a long time! :) e